Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
“The rite of Christian initiation is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they are strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully” (RCIA, 1)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way that a non-baptized person is brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. It provides the ritual actions for all the stages of initiation as well as, guides those who might not participate in the full Rite, but who are not yet in full communion with the Church.
Our class registration has now been CLOSED and no longer accepting registrations.
You are most welcome to enquire at any other of our local churches regarding their class status.
Volunteers Needed!!!

We welcome volunteers to teach the Confirmation Preparation Program and our Children’s Liturgy Program. Volunteers are given a curriculum and assigned a partner throughout the program. This is an excellent opportunity for student teachers to gain valuable teaching experience! If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the parish office during regular business hours for further information and registration.

Eucharistic Adoration (First Friday devotion) will take place on
Friday, March 7, 2024 in the chapel at 8:30am – 6:00pm.
All are invited to come and spend time in prayer with Our Lord!

All are invited to join and pray the rosary on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 8pm in our parish chapel.
Journeying through the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the rosary, the individual brings to mind our Lord’s incarnation, His passion and death and His resurrection from the dead. In so doing, the rosary assists us in growing in a deeper appreciation of these mysteries, in uniting our life more closely to our Lord and in imploring His graced assistance to live the faith. We also ask for the prayers of our Blessed Mother, who leads all believers to her Son.
Adult Choir Needed!!!

“We are currently seeking volunteers to join the Sunday Mass (12:00pm) choir. All are welcome! Kindly contact the parish office for registration information.
Children's Choir Needed!!!

All children are welcome to join the Saturday Mass (5:00pm) choir. Kindly contact the parish office for registration information.
Read more...Grow spiritually!
All are welcome to visit St. Peter’s parish lending library…books for both children and adults.
Available every Sunday following the 12 noon Mass (and available on alternate Saturdays following 5pm Mass).
For further information or to schedule and additional time to browse our selection, please contact Simona Gelao 416-843-5526.

Hello readers!
We’ve got an exciting announcement for you. We’ve launched The St. Peter’s Book Club, a group of individuals where we can explore novels to enhance our spiritual growth. We pick the book, we read together, and we convene each month with a new discussion.
For further information or registration, please contact Simona Gelao 416-843-5526.