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Weekly Bulletin
Parishioners are encouraged to view our weekly bulletin as it not only contains the weekly mass schedule, but also includes information on ministries, events and special announcements that relate to our parish and within our community.

Divine Mercy Chaplet
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed daily at 3:00pm in our Chapel. If you are not able to attend in person, you are welcome to join us in prayer online using the screen to your upper left.
Weekday and Weekend Mass Times
Weekday Mass Schedule
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
- 8:00am - English
- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
- 8:00am - Italian
- 3:00pm - Divine Mercy Chaplet (prayed daily during the week)
7:00pm - Contact parish office to schedule evening
Regular Weekend Mass Schedule
Confessions take place from 4:00pm - 4:45pm - 5:00pm - English
Sunday: - 7:30am and 10:30am - Italian
- 9:00am and 12:00 noon - English
Although the Catholic Church has no real dress code for proper attire when attending Mass, an unwritten dress code demands we are properly dressed out of Respect, Honor and Reverence for the Real Presence of Our Lord. One should dress modestly and respectfully. Generally, one should avoid wearing anything too revealing, which would be considered offensive or disrespectful.
Information and Sacramental Registrations
Updated Baptismal Certificates
Parishioners requesting a copy of their updated Baptismal Certificates are requested to visit the parish office and provide photo identification prior to receiving their certificate.
An offering of $5.00 is much appreciated.
A Word From Our Pastor...

Third Sunday, Lent - Cycle C - 23rd March 2025
First Reading – Exodus 3:1-8A, 13-15: Moses encounters God in a burning bush at Horeb. Instructed to remove his sandals on holy ground, he is tasked to rescue Israelites from Egypt, armed with God’s name, “I AM.”
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: I praise the Lord for His kindness: forgiving sins, healing diseases, rescuing lives,
and crowning with love. He is righteous, merciful, and gracious, with boundless mercy.
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12: Our forefathers, guided by a cloud and sea, were baptized into Moses, shared spiritual sustenance, and drank from Christ, the spiritual rock. Their failures in the wilderness warn us against evil
cravings and complacency.
Gospel – Luke 13:1-9: Jesus addressed the news of Galileans killed by Pilate, emphasizing that suffering isn’t directly linked to personal sinfulness. He called for repentance to avoid a similar fate. He then told a parable of a barren fig tree; a gardener sought more time to nurture it, symbolizing God’s patience and call for repentance.
Prima lettura – Esodo 3:1-8A, 13-15: Mosè incontra Dio in un roveto ardente sull’Oreb. Gli viene chiesto di togliersi i sandali in terra santa e di salvare gli israeliti dall’Egitto, armato del nome di Dio, “IO SONO”.
Salmo responsoriale – Salmo 103: Lodo il Signore per la sua bontà: perdona i peccati, guarisce le malattie, salva le vite e incorona d’amore. Egli è giusto, misericordioso e benevolo, con una misericordia senza limiti.
Seconda lettura – 1 Corinzi 10, 1-6, 10-12: I nostri antenati, guidati da una nube e dal mare, furono battezzati in Mosè, condivisero il nutrimento spirituale e bevvero da Cristo, la roccia spirituale. I loro fallimenti nel deserto ci mettono in guardia dalle voglie di male e dall’autocompiacimento.
Vangelo – Luca 13:1-9: Gesù affronta la notizia dei galilei uccisi da Pilato, sottolineando che la sofferenza non è direttamente legata al peccato personale. Invita al pentimento per evitare un destino simile. Racconta poi la parabola di un fico sterile; un giardiniere cercava più tempo per coltivarlo, simboleggiando la pazienza di Dio e l’invito al pentimento.