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- by Pastor : Saint Peters Parish

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Weekly Bulletin

Parishioners are encouraged to view our weekly bulletin as it not only contains the weekly mass schedule, but also includes information on ministries, events and special announcements that relate to our parish and within our community.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed daily at 3:00pm in our Chapel.  If you are not able to attend in person, you are welcome to join us in prayer online using the screen to your upper left.

Mass Schedules

Daily Mass Schedule

Regular Weekend Mass Schedule


Although the Catholic Church has no real dress code for proper attire when attending Mass, an unwritten dress code demands we are properly dressed out of Respect, Honor and Reverence for the Real Presence of Our Lord.  One should dress modestly and respectfully.  Generally, one should avoid wearing anything too revealing, which would be considered offensive or disrespectful.

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule

As of July 7th – September 1, 2024 inclusive.

Regular weekend Mass schedule resumes on September 8, 2024.

Month of September Devotion

O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender commiseration for those sufferings, as well as a sincere detestation of my sins, in order that being disengaged from all undue affection for the passing joys of this earth, I may sigh after the eternal Jerusalem, and that henceforward all my thoughts and all my actions may be directed towards this one most desirable object. Honor, glory, and love to our divine Lord Jesus, and to the holy and immaculate Mother of God. Amen.

Updated Baptismal Certificates

 Parishioners requesting a copy of their updated Baptismal Certificates are requested to visit the parish office and provide photo identification prior to receiving their certificate. 

An offering of $5.00 is much appreciated.

A Word From Our Pastor...

27th Sunday, Ordinary Time - Cycle B - 13th October, 2028

First Reading – Wisdom 7:7-11: I prayed for wisdom, valuing her above riches, health, and beauty.
With her, I received all good things and countless riches.
Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 90: Teach us to value our days, fill us with your love, and show your glory to us and our children.
Establish and bless the work of our hands.
Second Reading – Hebrews 4:12-13: God’s word is powerful, discerning our deepest thoughts and intentions.
Nothing is hidden from his sight; everything is exposed, and we are accountable to him.
Gospel – Mark 10:17-30 or Mark 10:17-27: A man asked Jesus about inheriting eternal life. Jesus told him to follow the commandments
and to sell his possessions. The man left sad. Jesus taught how difficult it is for the rich to enter God’s kingdom but affirmed that all things
are possible with God.

Prima lettura – Sapienza 7:7-11: Ho pregato per la saggezza, valutandola al di sopra delle ricchezze, della salute e della bellezza.
Con lei ho ricevuto ogni bene e innumerevoli ricchezze.
Salmo responsoriale – Salmo 90: Insegnaci a valorizzare i nostri giorni, riempici del tuo amore e mostra la tua gloria a noi e ai nostri figli.
Stabilisci e benedici il lavoro delle nostre mani.
Seconda lettura – Ebrei 4,12-13:
La parola di Dio è potente, discerne i nostri pensieri e le nostre intenzioni più profonde.
Nulla è nascosto alla sua vista, tutto è esposto e noi dobbiamo rendergli conto.
Vangelo – Marco 10,17-30 o Marco 10,17-27: Un uomo chiese a Gesù informazioni sull’eredità della vita eterna. Gesù gli disse di seguire
i comandamenti e di vendere i suoi beni. L’uomo se ne andò triste. Gesù insegnò quanto sia difficile per i ricchi entrare nel regno di Dio,
ma affermò che tutto è possibile con Dio.